Sets which side of the cell should be modified. Acceptable values are "All" "Left" "Top" "Right" "Bottom" "DiagonalLeft" "DiagonalRight"
Thickness of the border. Default is 1 "Thin"
Color of the border. Default is "Automatic" but any 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format or it can be any of the Microsoft® Internet Explorer named colors
Type of line to use on the border. Default is "Continuous". Acceptable balues are "None" "Continuous" "Dash" "Dot" "DashDot" "DashDotDot" "SlantDashDot" "Double"
The value for the font family. Not really sure what this does. Win32-dependant font family. Values can be "Automatic" "Decorative" "Modern" "Roman" "Script" "Swiss"